Accelerate delivery and improve agility

Create a new non-production system with the same repository as Production but without the Production client or update existing ones across several ABAP systems.

Shell Build for SAP

Shell Build creates a shell for ECC & S4 without using all of the production's required disc space.

Maintain document flows

In order to ensure that all dependencies are retained in the none production systems and that your data is consistent, DDR automatically includes referenced transactional data that is outside of the time period you have specified.

Data Refresh - Test data Management

The Dynamic Data Replicator is a flexible tool, enabling rapid creation of non-production systems, optimizing client refresh, facilitating targeted data copying, and ensuring GDPR-compliant security. It offers SAP users real-time data access, enhancing activities like production support, testing, and training.

Dynamic Data replicator (DDR) Test Data Management

Data Refresh Application

The Data Refresh application, which operates based on time and company code parameters, enables the replication of data from the production environment to a designated target environment within a specified time frame. Users have the option to manually input a date range and extract data from the production system, transferring it to the non-production environment.


Object Based Application

Dynamic Data Replicator (DDR) is an object-based application that empowers both business users and administrators to replicate targeted transaction data or master data from the production system to non-production environments. This allows for the seamless transfer of specific data sets, ensuring that the non-production environments are equipped with the necessary and relevant information.


Full system Copy

Administrators utilize the Dynamic Data Replicator Full System Copy application to perform complete replication or copying of an entire production environment to a non-production environment. This robust tool enables the efficient and comprehensive transfer of the entire system, ensuring that the non-production environment mirrors the production environment accurately.

Test Data Replicator (DDR) Benefits

Data Type

The Copy functionality within the Dynamic Data Replicator allows for the replication of transaction data, master data, and custom data.

Date Range

You have the option to select a specific date range by specifying both the start and finish dates. This allows you to define the desired time period for data replication or any related operations within the Dynamic Data Replicator.

Delta Copy

The DDR offers the capability to automate your Delta Copy process, allowing you to schedule regular data replication at different intervals. You can choose to set up automated delta copies on a daily, weekly, monthly basis, or even customize it to specific dates as per your requirements.

Data Security

The DDR includes an integrated Data Scrambling feature that offers the capability to scramble data either in flight (during replication) or in place (within the target environment). This feature ensures compliance with various data protection standards, such as Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX), BDSL, and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Simulation Run

The DDR simulation feature provides valuable insights into the data replication process, allowing you to assess various factors such as the required space in the target system, the estimated duration of data copying, and the specific tables being transferred to the target system.


The DDR offers an automated alternative to the BDLS requirement. DDR simplifies the process by searching for all logical system source values simultaneously within the data. This automated search and replacement functionality eliminates the need for manual intervention in identifying and replacing logical system source values, streamlining the data replication process.

Near Zero Downtime

Refresh data to new client in Near-Zero Downtime with Lower TCO and Faster ROI with up to 80% reduction in hardware, project time, effort and cost compared to traditional approaches

Centrally Managed

DDR Central Console can be installed any system and utilising existing RFC connection. All SAP systems can be managed via Central Console. No additional hardware required

Process Driven

DDR provides out-of-the-box templates or allows you to create your own using a wizard for data refresh, Data Security, DevOps, and many more scenario.

Accelerate client refresh with Near Zero Downtime

Existing approaches to test data management often fall short due to various reasons, but the Dynamic Data Replicator provides technical and functional teams with a powerful solution to overcome these limitations by enabling them to easily, quickly, and securely generate relevant and accurate testing data.